
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Kony 2012. Tikkun Olam at the Core.

Mark your calendar for 4/20.  No, not for that.  For something actually meaningful that will help change the lives of millions of people.  And the world.

Until I saw this video, I didn't know who Joseph Kony was.
Now I do, and I urge you to watch along with the 80 million others who have viewed it this past week.

Even Stango, who said he didn't have 27 minutes to watch it, did get captivated for 12 minutes.
That says a lot.

Jason Russell's film is so well-made...he got creative and got the message across that the world's top war criminal Joseph Kony needs to be captured by the United States military this year.

It's called "Cover the Night," and it's a poster campaign on April 20, 2012.
Reminds me of "Take Back the Night," but a different issue and one that is so timely there is no time to waste.

Unfortunately it's on Shabbes, but we're still gonna do our part now.

Spread the word.

1 comment:

Stango said...

True I didn't have the 27 minutes to spare, but it is not hard to recognize evil in this world, hashem yirachem.

I didn't stick around to find out what is going down on April 20, but I hope it works...

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