And one illustration, shown at the end of this blog post.
The first is a Happy Passover message from me and Levi. He is enjoying his egg matzah tam tams already. Wishing you and yours a happy holiday! May it be sweet. Considering I need a quick food to give him, and have no cooked food yet like roasted carrots, sweet potato or zucchini, the tam tams are good. Soft enough like Joe's O's (Cheerio's).
The 2nd is the most appropriate message from Mr. Marley. It is the time of our Exodus. I actually posted this video in the past. But that link no longer works. Movement of Jah people. We are all moving towards our freedom. Jews and all people alike. Let's speak nicely, be kind, and help each other out every day. Let's share ideas and listen to one another. Let's follow the good word and love the earth we inhabit. Let's respect all creatures. Let's be positive and walk away from evil, bad words, and negativity. Let's rise up against our oppressors. Speaking of which, and I thank my friend Leah for reminding us to think of this today on the eve of Passover, my thoughts and prayers are with the victims of Overland Park, Kansas.
Finally, here is a drawing I am sharing that was sent to the Nunever. It was done by an anonymous fan of his drumming. Talk about it all coming together on one wacked out frazzled Candy man (look at the dude's tie). It's a lot of band music references -- as if the illustrator is thinking that these are *the most* important music influences out there -- but I can see that the illustrator is trying to take it to another level. All things together and connected I agree. Gotta wonder what his very official-looking notes are on the right. Very Wall Street, I would say. Who knows, this person could be a Kellogg or Wharton graduate. My interpretation is that this is what happens when the candy man at shul forgets his kippah and has too much candy. Remember often times the candy man and kiddush club guy is one and the same. So, just remember whatever you do, take care of your shoes. And wear something on your head to shul, dude!