
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

BDE R' Meir Nissim (Michel) Abehsera: Pioneer of Macrobiotics and Jewish Spirituality

May his memory be a blessing - R' Meir Abehsera passed away this week at the age of 80 after an illness.  I had not until tonight heard of him but have been now reading up on him.  What a special and unique individual.  He was a descendant of a luminous Moroccan mystical family.  He taught healthy living through healthy eating.  He became close with the Lubavitcher Rebbe and followed his teachings, ultimately becoming the Rebbe's whistler.  Yes, he whistled for the rebbe, eventually getting blisters on his lips at times.

He lived in Binghamton , NY among what sounds like a communal Jewish chevre in the late 60s or early 70s.  He sounds like he was a very sweet, kind, soulful person who opened his home to all.  He passed away on Shavuot.  What a holy time to leave this world. He wrote this book on Zen Macrobiotic Cooking.

We don't hear the word macrobiotic so much these days, but eating vegan unprocessed foods and a lot of plants is still what it's about and still good for us.  Healthy living is connected to healthy feeling and sure there are naysayers who say they don't like religion but call it what you will:  connecting to place of peace, tranquility, calm and oneness is satisfying and brings meaning to life.


Uncle Goalie said...

He lived in goat cheese?

mamarachel said...

Totally. Always thought a great brand name for said cheese made by a collective of Jewish friends (like if produced on a Jewish farm, for example) would be Chevre chèvre.

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