While all of my observant Jewish friends are still popping their Lactaid pills after last week's dairy-laden Shavuot holiday, I am packing for the next adventure. We reenacted going up to that humblest of mountains, Mount Sinai, where we received our holy Torah thousands of years ago. All the while eating a lot of blintzes.
The journey to another mountain continues, this time to Mountain Jam at Hunter Mountian, New York. My family which as you know include my husband Stango and our children Concealed Light, The Wolfman, and the Wolfman's Brother, has been long-looking forward to this weekend-long music festival. So much so that we temporarily suspending cleaning help to save funds for tickets.
I'll be experiencing first-hand a music festival with three children under the age of 10 in tow. We are camping on the grounds and shlepping everything up the mountain by Radio-Flyer cart. Stango and I have never camped at a music festival together, so this is all new territory. But since live music is the one thing we simply love to experience together, what could be better as a family outing? The kids want us to take them to music that we like, but the shows all run too late and aren't kid-friendly. Mountain Jam is different. Lucky for us that we also have an extended network of friends to enjoy the weekend with. The Nunever is coming, and he has graciously offered to wear my new Whole Phamily t-shirt. Delights such as Awareness Village, Karma Wash and an entire area dedicated to family activities await.
Hopefully my experience as a mama bringing her children to their first music festival will not only be recorded here. Time will only tell.
See you on the mountain!
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