This one spread like wildfire this week. As if frum Jews have the time to think about this a week before Passover.
In response to Yitta Halberstam's article that single girls get plastic surgery to help land a husband, Dr. Michael Salzhauer has offered it for free to them in Miami. One caveat: you have to come recommended through your matchmaker or Rabbi.
Sounds pretty bezerk to me. Gila Manolson offers her opinion, more eloquently written than mine, here.
Maybe instead of undergoing surgery, they could learn fashion tips from the Hot Chani's of the world (it goes without saying that a subscription to W and V are helpful if you can get past the rampant untznius images...but a personal stylist can't hurt, either). A lot of people take offense to that term coined by Heshy Fried, but I think it's pretty funny. Doubt that Gila would like it. But I like Gila. She was a teacher of mine a long time ago, and I don't mean to offend.
Personally, I could use some fashion advice.
Even though I am out of the shidduch market, I still like to look good. And tie-dyes don't always fly.
Now, get back to cleaning!
From one queen (the Jewish woman, referenced above), to another (the witty parody of Freddy Mercury's tune, below)
I think I'd rather hear her fashion advice than the cosmetic surgery suggestions. My mom goes to Long Island plastic surgical group for her tummy tuck and other cosmetic procedures but I'm embracing more my natural beauty. And I think we could all work out our flaws with fashion.
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