
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Oops...I Used My Husband's Toothbrush. Again.

(or, insert your own significant other's title there.   Or friend.  Or dog.  Point is that is An Other)

For some reason, the past few weeks we have had toothbrushes that are too alike in look for me to deal with.  I use his toothbrush, by accident, a lot.  I try not to.  I know about the spread of germs, gingivitis, all sorts of dental jargon.  So, it happens.

But I know that Stango will just go with it.  At the end of the day he will just go with the flow.  Yes, he will clearly remind me that we need to maintain separate dental care tools.

The lesson learned is that famous quotation by a famous person who made a lot of money:

"Don't sweat the small stuff."

But what I really need to sweat is at the gym.

Since I am heading out to spin class *right*  now.  (you do see that it is 5:15am, right?  And my Tuesday spin teacher likes to start 15 minutes early and not at the regularly scheduled 5:45am).

And so this use of the toothbrush fiasco only turned into such because I decided to blog about it and now will be a few minutes later than I wanted to get to the gym.

We'll get there.

1 comment:

Uncle Goalie said...

Good job!
5:15AM is THE time to go (unless they open at 5:00AM!)

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